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Router Configuration & Server Setup
3 Hits, Last modified:
ity function. - NAT obfuscation wrecks simple end to end IP addressing that is required for some services, e.g. VoIP. This requires additional servic... se LAN port 1 as the Router WAN port. *I do not encrypt the home directory. (See How to install [[ht
NFTables Configuration
13 Hits, Last modified:
lowing file called: "router.nft". Dont forget to ensure the router is allowed to forward packets: *... ge. </color>++ \\ <tab3>define <color red>wan = eno1</color><color blue> #definition of wan device l... pppoe</color>\\ <tab3>define <color red>modem = eno1</color><color blue> #definition of modem device... and name ''firewall''. ''inet'' is a family that encompasses both IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocols. I
IPv6 Setup Notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
===== * *https://lum0... p * *
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
21 Hits, Last modified:
=== Both NFTables and IPTables use the [[|Netfilter]] framewor... tering ICMP]] **Cisco** [[|Resolve IP Fragmentation]], [[
Linux Router Background
4 Hits, Last modified:
iable home internet access. Definitely not a good environment to be testing new equipment and configurations. (Production versus development environment. I effectively had no development environment....) *Lastly, was my ability to get time an... SP was using IPoE DHCP, in preference to pppoe. I ended up moving away from pppoe to IPoE DHCP. This a
Router Hardware
14 Hits, Last modified:
J1900 CPU. The AES CPU instruction helps improve encryption performance significantly, handy for SSL ... the older hardware, although it is probably good enough in this respect. That all being said if one i... eaper units, so care must be taken if you want to ensure more up to date hardware. These machines are ... s not have. The AES CPU instruction helps improve encryption performance significantly, handy for SSL
Router Miscellaneous
34 Hits, Last modified:
outer. Another reference: [[|How-to monitor system ban... — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments) * ''pipx ensurepath'' * ''pipx install glances'' ( ersion| <code>There seem to be 2 main services to enable/disable/start/stop, nprobe and ntopng: * ''
DHCP / DNS Setup
15 Hits, Last modified:
iption</fc> =====DNS Setup===== First install or ensure already installed the DNS server software: "s... code> # Again, we have an origin record and a TTL entry... $ORIGIN . $TTL 907200 ; 1 week 3 days 12... 4'' in the line: ''OPTIONS="-u bind -4"'' *Also ensure to comment out "listen-on-v6 { any; };" in th... ctl stop bind9'') *Delete the problem zone file ending ing .jnl. It can be found in the same directo
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
47 Hits, Last modified:
ith the LAN ports 1-3 will be on bridged NIC2-4. Ensure the bridge utilities are loaded: ''sudo apt i... et loopback # The WAN network interface auto eno1 eno1:0 iface eno1 inet dhcp # dhcp for IP/DHCP WAN (static? for PPPOE) # set up static ip address
ISP IPoE DHCP Setup Notes
19 Hits, Last modified:
his work. I use the RJ45 ethernet interface call eno1. In my netplan configuration file, ''/etc/netp... ++++the following was made:| <code> ethernets eno1: #start for pppoe and setup modem IP access ... ++++ After reboot following ''ip a'' ++++ these entries were revealed: |<code> 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,L... valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdi
ISP PPPoE Network Setup
19 Hits, Last modified:
on to /etc/syslog, use less +G /etc/syslog to see end of logfile #debug #noipdefault : Assumes that y... mpatibility # (ie, ppp0, ppp1) plugin eno1 #Bind this connection specifically to ppp1 unit 1 #Ensure a PID entry with specified linkname is made pppoe linkname pppoe # MUST CHANGE: replace myuserna
NFTables IP Control
6 Hits, Last modified:
r/sbin/nft -f define wan = ppp1 define modem = eno1 define lan = br0 define router_ip4 = 192.168.... *''journalctl -b0 -xe -u nftables'' to list the end of all the nftables journal entries since the last boot I made a couple of bash scripts to assist ... im'' : This script automates the entry of a a range of IP address with timeout limits
IPTables Configuration
7 Hits, Last modified:
h IPTables this will not be the case. As of year ending 2019 general support and functionality of NFT... Docker and Fail2ban basically still have default enbedment of IPTables with use of NFTables required ... :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] # eno1 is WAN interface, br1 is LAN interface (bridged eno2 - eno4), # ppp1 is the PPPoE connection on eno