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DHCP / DNS Setup
45 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux router dns dhcp bind ip ipv6 radvd host dig nslookup}} ======DHCP / DNS Setup====== =====Outdated===== I have moved my DNS and DHCP servers to Docker, [[https://wiki.kptree.net/doku... ill using ISC_Bind9, but am now using ISC_Kea for DHCP as ISC_Bind is no longer supported as of 2022. F
TC - Traffic Control
1 Hits, Last modified:
nux traffic control]] ---- <- linux_router:dns_dhcp|Prev page ^ linux_router:start|Start page ^ linux
Router Configuration & Server Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
services. Key networks services, such as DNS and DHCP are separate functions that a router may perform,
NFTables Configuration
2 Hits, Last modified:
# bootps, port 67 and bootpc, port 68 are for DHCP on both TCP and UDP, but we only use UDP!</color>... 0E0> This is a simple form of traffic control. My DHCP / DNS place critical IP address in the 192.168.1.
Router VM
3 Hits, Last modified:
P addresses * Main LAN (Local Area Network) DNS/DHCP), these services work together * Main local DNS server using ISC Bind9 * Main local DHCP server using ISC DHCP My preference would be to get a container system functioning directly on the bare
IPv6 Setup Notes
3 Hits, Last modified:
lum0smaxima.wordpress.com/2016/06/24/setting-up-a-dhcp-server-for-ipv6/ *https://serverfault.com/quest... *https://subatomicsolutions.org/8-freebsd/17-isc-dhcp-ipv4-ipv6-server-on-a-dual-stack-network *https://blog.marquis.co/configuring-a-dual-stacked-dhcp-server/ *http://sophiedogg.com/radvd-and-dhcpd6
Linux Router Setup Notes - Index
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]] *[[linux_router:iptables]] *[[linux_router:DNS_DHCP]] *[[linux_router:TC]] *[[linux_router:misc]] *[[
Linux Router Background
3 Hits, Last modified:
s primary home router on bare metal, with DNS and DHCP. I got Wireguard up and running a year ago. I ha... was the slow pppoe connect. My ISP was using IPoE DHCP, in preference to pppoe. I ended up moving away from pppoe to IPoE DHCP. This also required some minor modifications to m
Router Hardware
8 Hits, Last modified:
an 2023) For my router, including DNS (BIND9) and DHCP (ISC DHCP) I am using a Supermicro SYS-E200-9B that comes with a Supermicro motherboard X11SBA-LN4F. I ... or firewall and routing * Bind9 for DNS * ISC DHCP for DHCP * Wireguard for remote access to my network I would consider to try setting up a VM and Dock
Router Miscellaneous
15 Hits, Last modified:
67 {tcp, udp} Bootstrap Protocol Server (DHCP) bootpc 68 {tcp, udp} Bootstrap Protocol Client (DHCP) http 80 {tcp, udp, sctp} World Wide Web H... ol -The Bootstrap Protocol was a precursor to DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) **[[https... *bind9.service *networking.service *isc-dhcp-server.service *isc-dhcp-server6.service *
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
9 Hits, Last modified:
rk interface auto eno1 eno1:0 iface eno1 inet dhcp # dhcp for IP/DHCP WAN (static? for PPPOE) # set up static ip address to access modem web page on WAN NIC ... #start for pppoe and setup modem IP access dhcp4: yes # yes for dhcp, no for pppoe dhcp6: y
ISP IPoE DHCP Setup Notes
14 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux router bridged modem ISP IPoE mtu dns dhcp}} =====ISP IPoE DHCP Setup Notes===== Notes on Setting up a Linux router for IPoE DHCP instead of PPPoE. After a few years of reasonabl... name and password. In fact they mention they used dhcp IPoE instead of PPPoE. I set up my spare modem a
ISP PPPoE Network Setup
9 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux router pppoe pppoed ISP mtu dns dhcp}} =====ISP PPPoE Network Setup===== A reasonably compr... orkd]] ====Install Software==== Install the DNS, DHCP, and PPPoE software: ''sudo apt install bind9 isc-dhcp-server pppoeconf'' Disable and stop the DNS [bind9] and DHCP [isc-dhcp-server, isc-dhcp-server6] software for
NFTables IP Control
3 Hits, Last modified:
ge of IP addresses, with count-down timer==== The DHCP assigned addresses in the range 100 - 254 were to... ow 100 were assigned a specific IP address in the DHCP based upon MAC. I added a [[https://wiki.nftab... CP! # bootps, port 67 and bootpc, port 68 are for DHCP on both TCP and UDP, # but we only use UDP! # do
IPTables Configuration
2 Hits, Last modified:
AN -A INPUT -i br1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT # DHCP client requests - accept from LAN -A INPUT -i br1... _router:nftables_control|Prev page ^ linux_router:start|Start page ^ linux_router:DNS_DHCP|Next page ->