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- VIM Editor
- org/web/20190515212443/|100... 230509142719/|Another Vim Cheat Shee... rimer]] *[[|Vim Cheatsheet]] *[[...|CodeMirror]] *[[|Working Product
- Set Up and Ubuntu APT Cache
- positories. A good reference is from packagecloud:blog: [[|Using apt-cacher-ng wi
- BASH Customisation
- ]] * danyspin97's site [[|Colorize your CLI]] * [[http... tra for this either. \\ [[
- IPMI Console Setup
- ttys on systemd is Pid Eins [[|systemd for Administ... wto|SerialConsoleHowto]] *[[|systemd for Administ
- NUT (Network UPS Tools) Setup
- itor.service and nut-server.service. The Kepstin blog gives a good NUT and Systemd discussion [[|Network UPS Tools (
- Back-up Server Old Setup
- isk Pooling in Linux with mergerFS]] *[[
- Manjaro Setup Notes
- eally a lot of notes at this times. *[[
- Rsync
- ' option to suppress some [[|issues