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Router Configuration & Server Setup
4 Hits, Last modified:
n Debian Buster, so needs to be installed: ''sudo apt install netplan.io'' it basically just seems to ... move program'' # to remove snaps listed *''sudo apt purge snapd'' *''sudo apt-mark hold snapd'' *''apt list --installed | grep snap'' It seems like Ubuntu want Snap to work and a
Router VM
3 Hits, Last modified:
ded to try QEMU/KVM setup as follows: *''%%sudo apt install qemu-system qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils li... Virt-manager remote client setup==== *''%%sudo apt install virt-manager ssh-askpass-gnome --no-insta... l.kptree.net/system?keyfile=id_rsa'%%'' *''sudo apt install gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0'' =====Referenc