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DHCP / DNS Setup
12 Hits, Last modified:
//; //; }; allow-query { 192.168.1/24;; }; allow-transfer { 192.168.1/24;; }... not have the record. I have been using OpenDNS to allow some free security screening, IP a... e master; file "/var/lib/bind/"; allow-update { key rndc-key; }; }; zone "
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
6 Hits, Last modified:
t table. If the rule is used to decide whether to allow the packet to continue to its destination, it wou... Triggered by the NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hook. Chains allow the administrator to control where in a packet’s ... tures built on top of the ''netfilter'' framework allow ''iptables'' to view packets as part of an ongoin... states tracked in the connection tracking system allow administrators to craft rules that target specifi
Router Configuration & Server Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
orm, although correct router setup is required to allow these services to function. =====Debian Router S
NFTables Configuration
12 Hits, Last modified:
color>++\\ <tab9> \\ <tab9><color blue> # allow icmp</color> \\ <tab9> ip protocol icmp ic... >Rate limit and count WAN ssh attempts. As I only allow ssh locally on LAN or via VPN I drop all such inc... ++ | \\ + <color #202000/#F0F0E0>This rule is to allow already established or related connections throug... ++ | \\ + <color #202000/#F0F0E0>This rule is to allow already established or related connections throug