I recently purchase a small single channel digital oscilloscope, Zeeweii DSO154Pro. Typical for Chinese supply the instruction provided are terse. These are some additional notes.
Type | Display | Description | Base Units |
Freq | Frq | Frequency | Hz |
PKPK | PKPK | Peak to Peak Voltage | Volts |
Mean | Mea | Mean Voltage | Volts |
RMS | RMS | Root Mean Square Voltage | Volts |
Amp | AMP | Amplitude, the voltage between signal peak voltages | Volts |
Duty | Duty | Duty cycle (percentage of time +) | - % (second/second) |
Wid+ | (T+) | Period of the signal + | seconds |
Wid- | (T-) | Period of the signal - | seconds |
Perd | T | Period of signal | seconds |
Max | MAX | Minimum voltage | Volts |
Min | MIN | Maximum voltage | Volts |
Top | TOP | Top + voltage | Volts |
Base | Bas | Lowest - Voltage | Volts |
Duty- | Dut- | Duty cycle - (percentage of time -) | - % (second/second) |