Table of Contents


Router VM

I have just decided to play with installing VM (virtual machines) on my Router hardware (2023-01). I have been reluctant to do this for a number of reasons. My separate listing for Router Hardware. Basically the machine is a bit old slow and under powered. Still basically adequate for what it does. I do not run a desktop on this machine, CLI (Command Line Interface only). The main services I am currently running on this machine are, all bare metal:

My preference would be to get a container system functioning directly on the bare metal, but Docker's use of IPtables rules on its Host would impair my Router NFTables setup. Use of a VM isolates Docker's IPTable manipulations from the main system.

VM Setup

I decided to try QEMU/KVM setup as follows:

package descriptions

In most cases details these packages can be seen at Debian Packages.


Virt-manager remote client setup
