{{tag>linux docker Calibre}} ======Calibre====== ====Calibre==== This Docker container is based [[https://fleet.linuxserver.io/image?name=linuxserver/calibre|linuxserver/calibre]], [[https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/calibre|Docker hub linuxserver/calibre]], [[https://calibre-ebook.com/|Calibre ebook management]] The image is based upon current Ubuntu Long term release. ++++Calibre docker-compose.yml| version: "3.9" services: calibre: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/calibre:latest container_name: calibre security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined #optional environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Australia/Perth - PASSWORD= #optional - CLI_ARGS= #optional volumes: - /media/disk1/KarlData/Karl Data 2/Calibre_library:/config ports: - 8088:8080 - 8089:8081 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy networks: proxy: external: true Notes: - Example version: "2.1" changes to "3.9" with no problem - The log error/warning concerning "Setting up desktop integration failed with error:...." is a common error when using Calibre on a server where desktop is not set up. Can be safely ignored. - To allow shell access added to ''docker-compose.yml'': tty: true stdin_open: true command: /bin/sh ++++ ====Calibre-web==== This Docker container is based [[https://fleet.linuxserver.io/image?name=linuxserver/calibre-web|linuxserver/calibre-web.]], [[https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/calibre-web|Docker hub linuxserver/calibre-web]], [[https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web/wiki|Calibre-web wiki]] The image is based upon current Ubuntu long term release. Standard login: admin | password: admin123 ++++Calibre-web docker-compose.yml| version: "3.9" services: calibre-web: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/calibre-web:latest #image: lscr.io/linuxserver/calibre-web:0.6.18-ls169 container_name: calibre-web security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined #optional environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Australia/Perth - DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:universal-calibre #optional - OAUTHLIB_RELAX_TOKEN_SCOPE=1 #optional volumes: - /home/docker_store/calibre-web/config:/config - /media/disk1/KarlData/Karl Data 2/Calibre_library:/books ports: - 8087:8083 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy networks: proxy: external: true Notes: - Example version: "2.1" changes to "3.9" with no problem - The default login / password: admin / admin123 - The /books direct points to the directory specified for the existing (or new) Calibre library - The log error/warning concerning "Setting up desktop integration failed with error:...." is a common error when using Calibre on a server where desktop is not set up. Can be safely ignored. ++++ <- docker_notes:docker-homepage|Back ^ docker_notes:index|Start page ^ docker_notes:docker-deluge|Next ->