{{tag>linux docker traefik dokuwiki container}}
=====Main Dokuwiki Page=====
The main dokuwiki page [[tech_notes:home_server|dokuwiki_setup]].
=====Dokuwiki Container=====
This use the the [[https://www.linuxserver.io/|linuxserver.io]] image from dockerhub, [[https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/dokuwiki/#!|linuxserver/dokuwiki]]. The Linuxserver.io documents can be found here[[https://docs.linuxserver.io/|doc.linuxserver.io]].\\
Defines web_data volume:
docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=none \
--opt device="/home/docker_store/cloud.kptree.net/data" \
--opt o=bind cloud_data
version: "2.1"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/dokuwiki:latest
container_name: dokuwiki
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Australia/Perth
- /home/docker_store/wiki.kptree.net/config:/config
- 8081:80
# - 443:443 #optional
restart: unless-stopped
* Need to create a local LAN only functional back-up of the wiki in my back-up server so I have a backup in case the main wiki with my configuration notes becomes unavailable.
Some of the following nuances may help when transferring Dokuwiki servers:
* The dokuwiki image uses the following permanent volume storage, in config/dokuwiki:
* conf (basically copy everything from existing to here)
* data (basically copy everything from existing to here)
* inc -> /app/www/public/inc (symlink back to container, no point changing)
* lib (basically copy everything from existing to here)
* vendor -> /app/www/public/vendor (symlink back to container, no point changing)
The DokuWiki page [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/faq:backup|How to backup DokuWiki?]] has the basic information to backup a Dokuwiki.
After setting up the internal indexes could be messed up. The plugin SearchIndex Manager can be used to recreate these indexes.
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