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personal:localities [2020-09-20 Sun wk38 09:20] baumkppersonal:localities [2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:43] (current) – external edit
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   *Time zones, Australia is mainly spread across 3 time zones, which is further complicated by daylight savings in the southern eastern states. The east coast is nominally +10UTC and the west coast is +8UTC. I do not like daylight savings and am fortunate to live in a place that does not use it (Western Australia). Daylight savings makes no sense in localities that are close to the equator (close to and within the tropics), as the variation of day lengths throughout the year is minimal.   *Time zones, Australia is mainly spread across 3 time zones, which is further complicated by daylight savings in the southern eastern states. The east coast is nominally +10UTC and the west coast is +8UTC. I do not like daylight savings and am fortunate to live in a place that does not use it (Western Australia). Daylight savings makes no sense in localities that are close to the equator (close to and within the tropics), as the variation of day lengths throughout the year is minimal.
-Interestingly, although Western Australia's population is relatively low, circa 3 million people, it is is in the most populous world time zone, as it includes: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia (part), Malaysia, eastern Russia (part) and +/-1hour time zone all of Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and more of Eastern Russia.+Interestingly, although Western Australia's population is relatively low, circa 3 million people, it is is in the most populous world time zone, as it includes: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia (part), Malaysia, eastern Russia (part) and within a +/-1hour timezone all of Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and more of Eastern Russia.