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home_server:web_server_setup [2022-11-13 Sun wk45 10:32] – [mariadb binary log files] baumkphome_server:web_server_setup [2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:43] (current) – external edit
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  *Nextcloud Stable Server Administration Manual [[https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/maintenance/index.html|Maintenance]]. (This also discusses database management, backup and restore)  *Nextcloud Stable Server Administration Manual [[https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/maintenance/index.html|Maintenance]]. (This also discusses database management, backup and restore)
 ====mariadb binary log files==== ====mariadb binary log files====
 +The mysql binary log files are located here: ''var/log/mysql'' Some time they fill up the file system and the system then fails to operate.
   * ''sudo mysql -p -u root'' - Login in to mysql, need root password   * ''sudo mysql -p -u root'' - Login in to mysql, need root password
   * ''SHOW BINARY LOGS;'' - to list current binary log files   * ''SHOW BINARY LOGS;'' - to list current binary log files
   * ''%%PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'mariadb-bin.003071';%%'' - to purge all binary log files before listed log file, in example ''%%'mariadb-bin.003071'%%''   * ''%%PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'mariadb-bin.003071';%%'' - to purge all binary log files before listed log file, in example ''%%'mariadb-bin.003071'%%''
-  * ''show variables like "sql_log_bin";'' - to see current setting of variable ''%%"sql_log_bin"%%''+  * ''%%show variables like "sql_log_bin";%%'' - to see current setting of variable ''%%"sql_log_bin"%%'' 
 +  * ''%%SET sql_log_bin = 0;%%'' - to set a variable 
 +  * ''exit'' or ^d - to exit 
 ---- ----
 ====Nextcloud OCC Comand==== ====Nextcloud OCC Comand====