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home_server:web_server_setup [2022-06-28 Tue wk26 05:02] – [Install FluxBB] baumkphome_server:web_server_setup [2024-12-07 Sat wk49 11:13] (current) – [Basic Web Server setup on VM] baumkp
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-{{tag>linux debian apache web server php certbot letsencrypt nextcloud cloud vm virtual machine kvm proxy reverse proxy gid uid vipw vigr group id user id}}+{{tag>linux debian apache apache2 httpd web server php certbot letsencrypt nextcloud cloud vm virtual machine kvm proxy reverse proxy gid uid vipw vigr group id user id}}
 ======Web Server setup====== ======Web Server setup======
 =====Basic Web Server setup on VM===== =====Basic Web Server setup on VM=====
-I am moving away from Ubuntu to Debian. I find the instruction for here are good to setup a basic web server [[https://workaround.org/ispmail|workaround.org]] ISPmail tutorials for Debian based server.\\+I am moving away from Ubuntu to Debian. I find the instruction for here are good to setup a basic web server Digitalocean'[[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mariadb-php-lamp-stack-on-debian-11|LAMP on Debian 11]] and Computing for Geeks [[https://computingforgeeks.com/install-lamp-stack-on-debian-linux-system/|LAMP on Debian]].\\
 ++++Old, tl;dr;|The main reference used is [[https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04/|Unixmen - How To Install LAMP Stack On Ubuntu 16.04]], for the basic web server setup on a virtual machine (VM), However this setup is quite basic and any similar page would probably suffice. Subsequently I found this reference that looks to be more complete for installing Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04, [[https://www.linode.com/docs/web-servers/lamp/install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-18-04/|Linode - Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 18.04]].++++ ++++Old, tl;dr;|The main reference used is [[https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04/|Unixmen - How To Install LAMP Stack On Ubuntu 16.04]], for the basic web server setup on a virtual machine (VM), However this setup is quite basic and any similar page would probably suffice. Subsequently I found this reference that looks to be more complete for installing Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04, [[https://www.linode.com/docs/web-servers/lamp/install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-18-04/|Linode - Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 18.04]].++++
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 ++++ ++++
 ''Usage: changeUID.sh [username] [oldUID] [newUID]''\\ ''Usage: changeUID.sh [username] [oldUID] [newUID]''\\
 \\ \\
 Seems there are tools to directly manually edit the **/etc/group** and **/etc/passwd** files and their shadow files. The commands are ''sudo vipw'' and ''sudo vigr''. Seems there are tools to directly manually edit the **/etc/group** and **/etc/passwd** files and their shadow files. The commands are ''sudo vipw'' and ''sudo vigr''.
 ---- ----
 =====LDPA===== =====LDPA=====
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     *To change the Hosename: ''sudo hostnamectl set-hostname New_Hostname''     *To change the Hosename: ''sudo hostnamectl set-hostname New_Hostname''
     *Ubuntu as 18.04 and up to 20.4 complicates further, another file needs to be modified to prevent automated changes, if present the file ''sudo vim /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'', configuration variable within must be changed as follow: ''preserve_hostname: true''     *Ubuntu as 18.04 and up to 20.4 complicates further, another file needs to be modified to prevent automated changes, if present the file ''sudo vim /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'', configuration variable within must be changed as follow: ''preserve_hostname: true''
-    *Last the /etc/hosts file should be updated to include the Hostname, this is same procedure as previous+    *Last the ''/etc/hosts'' file should be updated to include the Hostname, this is same procedure as previous
       * localhost       * localhost
       * New_Hostname       * New_Hostname
-    *Additional system hosts can be placed in "/etc/hoststo provide basic local host name resolution. I prefer to install a separate DNS server to provide this functionality.+    *Additional system hosts can be placed in ''/etc/hosts'' to provide basic local host name resolution. I prefer to install a separate DNS server to provide this functionality. 
 ====Apache2 Setup==== ====Apache2 Setup====
   *Copy the current html files to the proposed new location: ''sudo rsync -av /var/www/html /mnt/shared/www16/''   *Copy the current html files to the proposed new location: ''sudo rsync -av /var/www/html /mnt/shared/www16/''
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   - Check configuration files with: ''sudo apachectl configtest''   - Check configuration files with: ''sudo apachectl configtest''
   - After changes are made reload or restart apache2: ''sudo systemctl reload apache2'' or ''sudo systemctl restart apache2''    - After changes are made reload or restart apache2: ''sudo systemctl reload apache2'' or ''sudo systemctl restart apache2'' 
 +To further add to confusion it would seem some Linux distributions refer to ''httpd'' instead of ''apache2'', e.g.:
 +  * ''/etc/httpd/httpd.conf'' or ''/etc/apache2/httpd.conf'' instead of ''/etc/apache2/apache2.conf''
 +  * systemd service: ''httpd.service'' instead of ''apache2.service''
 +Note that these examples are presumption based upon documentation references. Basically Debian and related downstream distributions do not reference 'httpd'.
 =====Secure Web Server Settings===== =====Secure Web Server Settings=====
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   *To update the repositories including the newly added Certbot ones: ''sudo apt update''   *To update the repositories including the newly added Certbot ones: ''sudo apt update''
   *To install Certbot: ''sudo apt install certbot''   *To install Certbot: ''sudo apt install certbot''
 +DigitalOcean has Ubuntu 20.04 setup, [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-apache-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-20-04|How To Secure Apache with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04]].
 ++++ ++++
-DigitalOcean has Ubuntu 20.04 setup, [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-apache-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-20-04|How To Secure Apache with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04]]. Once setup, the basic commands are:+To install Certbot: ''sudo apt install certbot''  (Unfortunately Cerbot site recommends use of snap package, unbelievable.....)\\ 
 +Make sure the basic web site domain/sub-domain is working and accessible off internet.\\ 
 +I now prefer to use the following instructions, [[https://workaround.org/ispmail/bullseye/tls-encryption-key-and-certificate/|Creating a TLS encryption key and certificate]]. Once setup, the basic commands are:
   *To create a new certificate with sub-domains: ''certbot-auto --apache -d example.com -d www.example.com -d mail.example.com''. This assume that all these domains and sub-domains are existing accessible Apache web pages.   *To create a new certificate with sub-domains: ''certbot-auto --apache -d example.com -d www.example.com -d mail.example.com''. This assume that all these domains and sub-domains are existing accessible Apache web pages.
 +  *''%%certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/example.org -d example.org%%''
   *To manually auto renewal: ''sudo certbot-auto renew''. Set up auto renew using a cron job.   *To manually auto renewal: ''sudo certbot-auto renew''. Set up auto renew using a cron job.
Line 191: Line 201:
 **The cerbot documentation can be found at: [[https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html|User Guide]]** **The cerbot documentation can be found at: [[https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html|User Guide]]**
-  *To check systemd times: ''systemctl list-timers'' //(Cerbot used this in systemd enables systems, e.g Ubuntu 18.04)//+  *To check systemd times: ''systemctl list-timers'' //(Cerbot used this in systemd enables systems)//
   *To list cerbot related certificates: ''sudo certbot certificates''   *To list cerbot related certificates: ''sudo certbot certificates''
   *To delete cerbot certificats not required ''%%sudo certbot delete --cert-name certname%%''   *To delete cerbot certificats not required ''%%sudo certbot delete --cert-name certname%%''
Line 221: Line 231:
     *For the relocated data: ''sudo rsync -Aax /mnt/shared/temp/oc-backupdir/data /mnt/shared/www16/nextcloud/''     *For the relocated data: ''sudo rsync -Aax /mnt/shared/temp/oc-backupdir/data /mnt/shared/www16/nextcloud/''
  *Ensure the path to your nextcloud directory is included in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, e.g. statement.  *Ensure the path to your nextcloud directory is included in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, e.g. statement.
-===Nextcloud Updating===+====Nextcloud Updating====
  *Nextcloud Stable Server Administration Manual [[https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/maintenance/index.html|Maintenance]]. (This also discusses database management, backup and restore)  *Nextcloud Stable Server Administration Manual [[https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/maintenance/index.html|Maintenance]]. (This also discusses database management, backup and restore)
 +====mariadb binary log files====
 +The mysql binary log files are located here: ''var/log/mysql'' Some time they fill up the file system and the system then fails to operate.
 +  * ''sudo mysql -p -u root'' - Login in to mysql, need root password
 +  * ''SHOW BINARY LOGS;'' - to list current binary log files
 +  * ''%%PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'mariadb-bin.003071';%%'' - to purge all binary log files before listed log file, in example ''%%'mariadb-bin.003071'%%''
 +  * ''%%show variables like "sql_log_bin";%%'' - to see current setting of variable ''%%"sql_log_bin"%%''
 +  * ''%%SET sql_log_bin = 0;%%'' - to set a variable
 +  * ''exit'' or ^d - to exit
 ---- ----