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home_server:home_server_setup:other_services:webmin [2020-01-27 Mon wk05 11:06] – created baumkphome_server:home_server_setup:other_services:webmin [2023-12-26 Tue wk52 11:44] (current) – [Webmin] baumkp
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-====Webmin==== +{{tag>linux debian webmin}} 
-I am a bit lazy sometimes and use [[http://www.webmin.com/|Webmin]] to help setup certain services, e.g. Samba. Webmin is a web interfaced system administration system for Linux and has lots of plugins for various Linux apps/paxkages.+=====Webmin=====
-A key difficulty I have had recently is that most the modern web browsers no longer seem to allow self signed SSL certificate exceptions. Fortunately as I only wish to run Webmin locally (LAN), not facing the public internet (WAN), I can still access locally without SSL setup (http not https). To do this from the CLI as follows sudo vim /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf change SSL=1 to SSL=0, then restart webmin to take affectsudo systemctl restart webmin+I don't bother to use Webmin, it has been well over a year since I tried to use. 
 +++++Old, tl;dr;| 
 +I am a bit lazy sometimes and use [[http://www.webmin.com/|Webmin]] to help setup certain services, e.g. Samba. Webmin is a web interfaced system administration system for Linux and has lots of plugins for various Linux apps/packages.  Webmin has its own mini webserver built in.  There are lots of web page discussing Webmin, how to install and use, e.g. [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-webmin-on-ubuntu-18-04|How To Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04]].  To date I have only used Webmin on my main home server, not any of the virtual machines or router.  
 +A key difficulty I have had recently is that most the modern web browsers no longer seem to allow self signed SSL certificate exceptions. Fortunately as I only wish to run Webmin locally (LAN), not facing the public internet (WAN), I can still access locally without SSL setup (http not https). To do this from the CLI as follows ''sudo vim /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf'', change ''SSL=1'' to ''SSL=0'', save and exit, then restart webmin to take affect, ''sudo systemctl restart webmin'' 
 +I tried to reverse proxy Webmin to my main web page, but did not get the reverse proxy to function properly, so disable this feature.  I do not really need or want Webmin facing the internet.  This would only be another security vulnerability.  
 +I can now relatively easily assign local web pages a local signed certificate via Traefik and my local DNS, however as I do not use Webmin there is not much point even trying at this time. 
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