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home_server:home_server_setup:other_services:samba [2021-12-28 Tue wk52 20:08] baumkphome_server:home_server_setup:other_services:samba [2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:43] (current) – external edit
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 +{{tag>linux samba}}
 ======samba====== ======samba======
-I have not look at samba much since I first attempted to set up my home sever circa 2011 on Fedora before I moved to Ubuntu.  I stopped using Fedora as I had nood pain with Selinux, coupled with the short service life of Fedora, so I moved to Ubuntu, where I had a lot more success.\\+I have not look at samba much since I first attempted to set up my home sever circa 2011 on Fedora before I moved to Ubuntu.  I stopped using Fedora as I had noob pain with Selinux, coupled with the short service life of Fedora, so I moved to Ubuntu, where I had a lot more success.\\
 Samba seems to pretty much just work.  I was lazy and tended to just use Webmin to set this up.  However as I did not use Webmin for much else I have elected to to set it up now that I moved my server to Debian.  So now I need to learn about Samba again\\ Samba seems to pretty much just work.  I was lazy and tended to just use Webmin to set this up.  However as I did not use Webmin for much else I have elected to to set it up now that I moved my server to Debian.  So now I need to learn about Samba again\\
-Samba is pretty much mandatory, as a lot of services smb use it as default. +Samba is pretty much mandatory, as a lot of services smb use it as default.\\ 
 +My main form of security it to limit external access to my lan, hence samba security is low. More focused on easy use.\\ 
 +====samba basic setup====
 High level requirements: High level requirements:
   * To install: ''sudo apt install samba samba-client''   * To install: ''sudo apt install samba samba-client''
- +  * Adjust the smb.conf file: ''sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf'' 
- +  * Add and enable users: ''sudo smbpasswd -a USER'', ''​sudo smbpasswd -e USER'' I use the same user name and passwords as main Linux log. 
-''sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf'' +++++smb.conf| 
-++++|smb.conf +<code>#
 # Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux. # Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
 # #
Line 290: Line 291:
  path = /media/deluge/Downloads  path = /media/deluge/Downloads
         writeable = yes         writeable = yes
 ++++ ++++
 +====samba check commands====
 +Some samba check commands:
 +  * ''smbclient -L'' list the available shares on the host IP
 +  * ''pdbedit -w -L'' list the current users on the samba host
 +  * ''sudo systemctl status smbd'' smdb.service is the systemd services name.....
 +  * ''testparm'' will list the samba configuration parameters.
   * [[https://wiki.debian.org/Samba/ServerSimple|Samba Server Simple]]   * [[https://wiki.debian.org/Samba/ServerSimple|Samba Server Simple]]
 +  * [[https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Debian_11&p=samba&f=2|Samba : Limited Shared Folder]]
 ---- ----
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