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home_server:home_server_setup:other_services:manjaro [2022-03-13 Sun wk10 07:54] – [pacman] baumkphome_server:home_server_setup:other_services:manjaro [2024-02-25 Sun wk08 17:02] (current) – [Manjaro Setup Notes] baumkp
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 {{tag>linux manjaro arch archlinux vuescan flatpak davfs CUPS printing print}} {{tag>linux manjaro arch archlinux vuescan flatpak davfs CUPS printing print}}
 =====Manjaro Setup Notes===== =====Manjaro Setup Notes=====
 +I tried Manjaro circa 2019 for a couple of years as my main Linux Desktop.  I had no major problems with it. An occasional minor problem this nVidia graphic card and some minor issues with updates. Having used Debian / Ubuntu the past 10 years on servers I decided to switch to Debian testing desk top with XFCE.  Debian testing basically give a similar level of latest updates as Manjaro/Arch.  I have not bothered with Manjaro since then.
 [[https://manjaro.org/|Manjaro]] has been relatively so simple and easy to set up there are not really a lot of notes at this times.  [[https://manjaro.org/|Manjaro]] has been relatively so simple and easy to set up there are not really a lot of notes at this times. 
   *[[https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2017/09/04/how-to-mount-webdav-share/|How to mount WebDAV share]]   *[[https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2017/09/04/how-to-mount-webdav-share/|How to mount WebDAV share]]
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 ''pacman-key --init'' then ''pacman-key --populate'' ''pacman-key --init'' then ''pacman-key --populate''
-[[https://forum.manjaro.org/t/failed-to-synchronize-all-databases/40357|Manjaro Failed to synchronize all databases]]+[[https://forum.manjaro.org/t/failed-to-synchronize-all-databases/40357|Manjaro Failed to synchronize all databases]]\\
 [[https://www.reddit.com/r/pinephone/comments/ses315/pinephone_pro_pacman_returns_every_package_as/|Pinephone Pro pacman returns every package as corrupted]] [[https://www.reddit.com/r/pinephone/comments/ses315/pinephone_pro_pacman_returns_every_package_as/|Pinephone Pro pacman returns every package as corrupted]]
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