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docker_notes:docker-nextcloud [2024-04-28 Sun wk17 14:56] – [Nextcloud with supervisord] baumkpdocker_notes:docker-nextcloud [2024-04-28 Sun wk17 14:58] (current) – [Nextcloud with supervisord] baumkp
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 The base [[https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud|Nextcloud]] image does not directly support cron.  So it needs to be added, for the nextcloud-fpm.alpine version see [[https://github.com/nextcloud/docker/tree/master/.examples/dockerfiles/cron/fpm-alpine|github nextcloud docker fpm-apline cron dockerfile examples]] The base [[https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud|Nextcloud]] image does not directly support cron.  So it needs to be added, for the nextcloud-fpm.alpine version see [[https://github.com/nextcloud/docker/tree/master/.examples/dockerfiles/cron/fpm-alpine|github nextcloud docker fpm-apline cron dockerfile examples]]
-Today (2024-04-27) after upgrading to Nextcloud 29 I finally got rid of all my administration page errors. This included some issues with nginx configuration that magically went away with version 29 and adding imagemagick-svg to the image as just noted. As well as cleaning up [[https://wiki.kptree.net/doku.php?id=docker_notes:docker-nextcloud#file_integrity_check|file integrity error messages]].+++tl;dr;|Today (2024-04-27) after upgrading to Nextcloud 29 I finally got rid of all my administration security and setup page warnings and errors. This included some issues with nginx configuration that magically went away with version 29 and adding imagemagick-svg to the image as just noted. As well as cleaning up [[https://wiki.kptree.net/doku.php?id=docker_notes:docker-nextcloud#file_integrity_check|file integrity error messages]].  This is the first time since moving to Nextcloud on Docker and quite some time before that.++
 As docker adminstartion warns about missing php imagemagick-svg support I also added the Apline package to the updated image to rectify this warning.   As docker adminstartion warns about missing php imagemagick-svg support I also added the Apline package to the updated image to rectify this warning.