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docker_notes:docker-calibre [2023-10-28 Sat wk43 11:28] – [Calibre-web] baumkpdocker_notes:docker-calibre [2024-09-11 Wed wk37 17:27] (current) – [Calibre-web] baumkp
Line 1: Line 1:
 +{{tag>linux docker Calibre}}
 ======Calibre====== ======Calibre======
 ====Calibre==== ====Calibre====
Line 10: Line 11:
 ++++Calibre docker-compose.yml| ++++Calibre docker-compose.yml|
 <code> <code>
-version: "3.9" 
 services: services:
   calibre:   calibre:
Line 38: Line 38:
 Notes: Notes:
-  - Example version: "2.1" changes to "3.9" with no problem 
   - The log error/warning concerning "Setting up desktop integration failed with error:...." is a common error when using Calibre on a server where desktop is not set up.  <fc #008000>Can be safely ignored.</fc>   - The log error/warning concerning "Setting up desktop integration failed with error:...." is a common error when using Calibre on a server where desktop is not set up.  <fc #008000>Can be safely ignored.</fc>
   - To allow shell access added to ''docker-compose.yml'': <code>   - To allow shell access added to ''docker-compose.yml'': <code>
Line 57: Line 56:
 ++++Calibre-web docker-compose.yml| ++++Calibre-web docker-compose.yml|
 <code> <code>
-version: "3.9" 
 services: services:
   calibre-web:   calibre-web:
Line 86: Line 84:
 Notes: Notes:
-  - Example version: "2.1" changes to "3.9" with no problem 
   - The default login / password: admin / admin123   - The default login / password: admin / admin123
   - The /books direct points to the directory specified for the existing (or new) Calibre library   - The /books direct points to the directory specified for the existing (or new) Calibre library
Line 92: Line 89:
 ++++ ++++
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