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docker_notes:docker [2024-11-10 Sun wk45 12:06] – [Installation] baumkpdocker_notes:docker [2024-11-10 Sun wk45 12:17] (current) – [Installation] baumkp
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 Install Docker Engine : [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) Install Docker Engine : [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
 +====Docker Desktop for Linux====
 +I have preferred to run Docker command as a native Linux applications.  Docker Desktop originally was created to allow operating systems other than Linux to run Docker by creating a virtual Linux machine to operate them within.  Linux does not need this as the various docker programs run natively. A version of Docker Desktop was created for Linux that looks like it has some additional user interface features, but to date I have not wanted to setup an additional VM for this purpose and am happy to continues to use the Linux KVM VM solution.
 =====Uninstall===== =====Uninstall=====