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Docker Host

KVM versus Proxmox

I originally started using Linux KVM based VM, with QEMU and Libvirt on Ubuntu bare metal, circa 2014, this before was I was aware that Proxmox existed. Around 2020 I moved to Debian as my preferred bare metal distribution for server and desktop, I stopped using Windows as my main home desktop around this time. When I started playing around with Docker to create my own container images I preferred use of the Alpine distribution and where necessary using the S6-rc init system. I avoid the use of Ubuntu now as I just find some of their practices unpalatable, e.g. forced use of Snaps, requiring registration for latest package updates. Also their base server and desktop distributions came across as bloated around the time I stopped using them as my main distribution. I see no point re-engaging with Ubuntu at this time, as the dissatisfaction that made me move are still there. Beside, I simply prefer Debian now, stable for servers and testing for main desktop. I have been happily using XFCE for about 7 year now as my main Linux desktop GUI (2024-04).

Interestingly as I understand it Proxmox uses Debian and Linux KVM VM, however they also provide a lot of additional functionally, such as nice web interface, nice VM backup, and LXC container system, as well as other functionality.

I use nftables as my main edge router / firewall on bare metal. I could probably run this on a VM within Proxmox, but the Router hardware is not especially powerful and at this time I prefer to run the main firewall on bare metal.

I may try Proxmox in the future, there is currently no compelling reason for me to do so at this time.

My current router has an Intel N3700 CPU, maximum 8GB ram, procured in 2016, which in 2024 is becoming slow to use, but still functions well as a sub gb/s router. I also run a VM with Docker containers for a backup Bind9 DNS and backup Kea DHCP on this machine. As my current (WAN) internet speed is about 265Mb/s down and 23Mb/s up this router is still suitable for purpose. I suspect it will not be limiting until the available WAN speeds are above 1000Mbps. tl;dr

My main home server is based upon an Intel Atom C3750 server, this is still currently adequately meeting my needs. I have upgraded with a 2.5Gb/s PCIe card. tl;dr I also still operate an older Intel Atom C2750 as a back-up server. This gets started by the main server once a week to run a Restic back-up with a Python script I wrote.

Setup VM

I use Linux KVM with libvirt, virsh and qemu.

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
